About pafpio

The Polish-American Community Assistance Fund (Polsko-Amerykański Fundusz Pożyczkowy Inicjatyw Obywatelskich) was created in 1999. We extend loans to non-governmental organizations and other non-for-profit initiatives.

Associations and foundations constitute a significant majority among the PAFPIO’s borrowers. However, there are also some commercial law companies allocating their commercial profit to their statutory goals (such as TBS – Social Building Associations).

As a rule, we do not lend money to finance political or religious activity.

Since the beginning, we have extended loans to 940 institutions for a total amount exceeding more than PLN 339 million.

About Loans

We extend loans to non-profit organizations. To obtain the loan, the organization has to be registered (most frequently as an association or a foundation).

The organization applying for a loan should indicate the reason behind the weakening of its financial liquidity and justify how the granted loan will allow the organization to survive the difficult period, not causing its total financial breakdown.

The purpose of a loan does not have to be clearly specified – the granted resources serve to realise statutory purposes. What we expect, however, is the precise indication of the source of repayment. The majority of organizations do not possess any property which could secure the repayment of the loan. All the more we require a real and reliable source of repayment.

Helping those who help -presentation.